How much sugar do we need per day? What happens if we consume too much or too little sugar?

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Pieces of white and brown sugar, selective focus

In our modern diet, sugar plays a significant role, often appearing in many forms and sources. While it can be a quick source of energy and an enjoyable part of our meals, the amount and type of sugar we consume can profoundly impact our health.

Understanding the recommended daily intake of sugar, the best and worst sources, and the consequences of consuming too much or too little sugar is crucial for maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. This article delves into these aspects, providing clear insights and practical advice on managing sugar consumption effectively.

How much sugar do we need per day?

What are the best sources of sugar?

What are the worst sources of sugar?

The worst sources of sugar are those that provide little to no nutritional value and can contribute to various health issues when consumed in excess. These include:

  1. Assortment of colorful candies, lollipops and pile of sugarSugary Beverages: This category includes sodas, energy drinks, sweetened teas, and fruit punches. They often contain high amounts of added sugars and provide empty calories.
  2. Candy and Sweets: Items like candies, chocolates, gummy bears, and lollipops are high in added sugars and often lack essential nutrients.
  3. Baked Goods: Cakes, cookies, pastries, doughnuts, and muffins typically contain high amounts of added sugars and unhealthy fats.
  4. Ice Cream and Desserts: Ice creams, frozen yoghurt, puddings, and other desserts are often loaded with added sugars.
  5. Sweetened Breakfast Cereals: Many breakfast cereals marketed to children and adults contain significant amounts of added sugars.
  6. Processed Foods: Many processed foods like flavoured yoghurts, granola bars, and some types of bread and sauces (such as ketchup) contain hidden sugars.
  7. Fruit Juices and Smoothies: Even though they come from fruit, many commercially available juices and smoothies have added sugars and lack the fibre found in whole fruits.

Consuming these sources of sugar regularly can lead to various health issues such as weight gain, increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and dental problems. It’s advisable to read nutrition labels and be mindful of the sugar content in the foods and drinks you consume.

What happens if we consume too much or too little sugar?

Final thought

You’ve got to balance your sugar intake for good health. Natural sugars from whole foods like fruits, veggies, and dairy give you important nutrients and energy. But eating too many added sugars from processed foods and drinks can cause problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. On the flip side, not getting enough sugar can leave you feeling tired and lacking in nutrients.

If you make smart choices about the types and amounts of sugar you eat, you can have a well-rounded diet and avoid the downsides of bad eating habits. Just remember, it’s all about moderation and being mindful when it comes to sugar.